Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Last Man Down

...so last night Chad came down with a bad cold. That makes 6 out of 6 of us ill within the last two weeks. Three prescriptions for Augmentin and one for Penicillin (did I spell that right?) later...we are limping our way towards recovery. I just hope that we are getting our illness quota for the year filled early on so that we can go on to greater things.

The upsides...
I am showered and dressed today...a major accomplishment.
We have watched all three High School Musicals in the last three days. A very fun activity with all girls.
I have an awesome Mom who I get to enjoy while she whips our home back into shape.
Chad has learned that when you are running the home, you really do spend all of your time on kids or dishes. At his request, we are investing in a large stock of paper plates soon.

1 comment:

carol said...

I have a theory that a big stock of paper plates and chocolate chips can solve more than most therapists can! Hope you all are better soon!