Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve

Every Christmas Eve, we have a Brubaker Christmas Party. This is the first year that we have had a program. It was short and sweet...just perfect.

Caroline started us off by playing We Wish You a Merry Christmas. We all sang along. (I know this picture is blurry, but I wanted it for the record).

Maren played Silent Night. Timon sang the first verse in German. The second time through we all sang in English.
I was impressed with how well the rest of the kids sat (somewhat still), listened and sang.

Next we gave my parents their Christmas gifts...nativity costumes for the grandchildren. My sister spent approximately 50 hours sewing these! We all pitched in with the cost, but she did the work. I had ordered angel wings, but unfortunately they did not arrive in time.

My Mom played the piano while we all sang the Nativity Song. We even had a Baby Jesus (my nephew, Nathan) this year!

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