Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Conversation with Caroline

C: "Mom, Santa resents Jesus."
K: "You mean, represents?"
C: "Ya. Santa is like Jesus, but more fun. See, Santa wants to know if you are going to be good or bad. Jesus wants to know if you are going to be on the good side or the bad side. If you are good, Santa will bring you presents. If you are on the good side Jesus will bring you blessings."


Thierry said...

Good thing you picked up on the real meaning of 'resents'... that could have been an awkward conversation. :)
She is so adorable!

amelia said...

now THAT is too cute!
she's got it all figured out :)
what a smartie!

Brad and Ashley Merrill said...

That is what I can't wait for!!! Kids say the best things:)