Saturday, October 16, 2010

Suzuki Harp Celebration Concert

Today was our Suzuki Celebration Concert. This concert is held every three years. In the past we have performed in concert with all of the other Suzuki Instruments. This year we broke off due to logistical issues. I am actually grateful for the creativity we were able to have due to our independence. We performed at Abravanel Hall. We had 70 harps and 120 performers.
Here are all of the carts we used to move the harps!
The day started early for the teachers. We arrived at 5:30 to prepare for the harp deliveries. Harps were delivered from 6:00 to 8:00. I finished tuning the last harp at 8:30, as the students arrived to rehearse.
Hannah, Elyse and Maren are waiting for their turn to rehearse.

Steph and Jodi kept track of my students while I played and directed.

Maren and Samantha are ready to rehearse!
Here are all of my students that performed. The theme of the concert was Chrysalis. The kids all wore shimmery tops for the majority of the concert. The finale was Pirates of the Carribean. The kids removed their tops and put on their Pirate Costumes. They were so cute!

Maren, the Pirate Harpist

I wish I had pictures taken during the concert. It was wonderful. All in all a great day and a long day. I am thrilled with the evening, but am not too sad that our next concert this large will be in five years!


Melissa said...

Thanks for all your hard work. It was a great concert despite the logistical nightmare that it was for you and the other teachers!

amelia said...

cute Maren!!! I want to hear her play!
I still need to come see you :)