Friday, August 27, 2010

The Temple

The temple was a wonderful experience. Dallin and Arielle both received their endowments at the Salt Lake Temple on the evening of the 24th. The Spirit was amazingly strong through the entire session. I loved being in the temple with so many of my family members. I had wanted to take a picture of us all together, but since we left the temple after 10:00 PM people were in a hurry to get home to their kids.

I absolutely must pay tribute to my Mother-in-Law Collene. Without her I would not have been to all of the events. She took care of my kids, including a baby who refused a bottle, while I went to the endowment. She and my sister-in-law, Cherie, and her son, Preston, came down to the temple grounds to take care of the kids during the ceremony. They were so wonderful to help out so much!

The day was gorgeous. The weather was wonderful. Unfortunately, my camera died after this. Note to not buy Sunbeam batteries. I put brand new ones in my camera and it instantly said that they were dead! I wish I had pictures of the Dallin and Arielle to post. Arielle looked gorgeous. The reception was very classy. The couple looked so happy! Once I get some pictures emailed to me, I will post them.

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