Friday, August 27, 2010

Dallin and Arielle

Dallin married Arielle Waters on August 25th, 2010
My parents held a lovely wedding dinner in the back yard of their Valley View House. Sadly, this is probably the last event to be held there. There house is already on the market.
Dallin showed up for the event in a T-shirt and tennis shoes.
He was sent home to change.
I really enjoyed meeting Arielle's family.
She had relatives fly in from all over the country for the wedding
(she is from Michigan).
Dallin and Arielle said a few words at the end of the evening.
Chad jumped up, spontaneously and welcomed her to the Outlaw Club.
From left to right Brooks Brady, Kimberly Brubaker, Arielle Brubaker, Chad Dunford, Michael Burns. Becca Brubaker was MIA.
They flew in the following day.

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