Sunday, August 8, 2010

A couple of weekends ago we took the kids to see Peter Breinholt. He performed at the Sandy Ampitheater. It is a great place to take children. They can stretch out on the lawn, they can dance, they can even sleep if they want to.

One of the very first dates that Chad and I went on in High School was to a Peter Breinholt concert. It was held in the cultural hall of someone's stake center. I think that there were about 50 people there.

My most memorable Peter Breinholt concert was about six years ago. We took my sister and her husband to see him at Sundance. They have a "rain or shine, the show goes on" policy. It was raining heavily! We wore our rain jackets and held a monstrous piece of visqueen (plastic) over the top of us. We were cold, but hung in there. They sold hot chocolate at the consessions!

Lila chose the sleep option for most of the concert.

Caroline stayed in the action with the Stringham and Marsh girls.

Maren attended her first Peter Breinholt concert at this same location when she was one year old. I am not organized enough right now to know where that picture is, or I would have loved to post it.

Avery was upset that we wouldn't let her go dance at the very front (right in front of the stage), but was pretty happy to be with Chad and to dance on the grass.

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