Sunday, August 15, 2010

13 Wonderful Years

August 14, 2010 was our 13th Anniversary!
I posted one of our wedding pictures for our 12th anniversary, so for our 13th I dug out one of pictures from when we were dating. This is actually the picture of Chad and I on the day he got home from his mission in December of 1996. What kids!
We have had 13 great years including:
three homes,
seven cars and one boat,
32 pets (OK 30 of them were ants),
many trips: Moab (11 times), St. George (6? times), Yellowstone, Jackson Hole, Mexico (2 times), New York, Paris, Guatemala, San Diego, Zions, Canyon Land, Peru, Grand Canyon, Colorado, Wyoming, Belize...and probably more that I am not thinking about.
I have been through three jobs and Chad has had five.
We have done so many fun things, but we count our four beautiful girls as our greatest accomplishments! As much as we love them and all the craziness entailed with parenting, it is nice to get away periodically. Huge thanks to our wonderful friends Kathy and Norm for letting us get away to their great little cabin up Millcreek Canyon.

We just went overnight, but it was nice to get away from all of the busyness in our lives. We actually watched a movie (OK, I slept through it!). Chad made an awesome breakfast and we went on a great hike up Porter Fork.

Aren't the flowers beautiful?

We did take Lila with us, as she is too little to leave yet. This was her first hike and she loved it. She chattered the entire time.

So here is to the last 13 years and the many more years to come!

I love you babe!

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