Friday, August 27, 2010

Four months old

Lila is four months old now. Seriously, where has the time gone?
She is so darling. I love this child.
I could snuggle her and play with her all day long.
She smiles for anyone who will talk to her.

She loves the Bumbo. Thanks Melissa for letting us borrow it.
She is now center stage at all of our meals!

She loves her feet too. Her feet are always moving...
and they are just so little and cute.
I love going to checkups and getting the stats.
Lila is 55% for weight at 13.85 lbs.
She is 89% for length at 25.5 inches long!
She is by far my longest baby. The others are all 50% or less!
I just keep laughing about the idea of the youngest being the tallest.
I guess we will just have to wait and see!

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