Sunday, August 8, 2010

For my birthday, I wanted to go boating. It has been a crazy summer and we have not been out on the boat very much. So, I am thinking to myself Echo+Wake Surf = great birthday! We packed a picnic dinner and headed up. Unfortunately, when we got there, this is what we saw.

You can't tell from this picture, but there were whitecaps on the lake. We decided that there might be hope that it would blow over. We spread out our picnic dinner on the covered picnic table. About the time that we started to eat, the heavens unleashed. It rained like crazy! We were so grateful to be covered. When the rain finally stopped, the boat was sopped, the air temperature was in the high 60's and we decided to go home.

It didn't turn out all bad. I did get to go on my second bicycle ride of the year the next morning, complete with my new pink jersey (thanks family!) and my husband by my side. That was awesome!

1 comment:

Thierry said...

Happy Birthday! Sorry the weather didn't cooperate for you guys!
I need to talk to you about biking while pregnant... Ryan is very nervous about me doing it and I keep saying, "But Kimberly did it!" haha!