Sunday, July 18, 2010

Suzuki Institute

This week was Maren's first Suzuki Harp Institute (aka Harp Camp). This is a week of intense harp workshops. Maren's day began with a Repetoire class (shown above), followed by a practice session. Then she got to go to arts and crafts and break for lunch. The afternoon started with a theory class, technique class and finished with her master class (similar to a private lesson). I have attended Institute as a student, a teacher and a teacher trainee. This was my first experience attending as the mother.

We took Lila along, and she basically lived in the stroller for a week. I was impressed with how well she rolled with it. She is accustomed to a lot of noise around (life as the fourth child) and was able to sleep even through the harp being played right next to her!

Maren had a great time. I was thrilled with how well she held up. She had a great time and never complained. She got tired, but was able to work through it. She would even come home and ask to practice on the harp that we had at home. I loved seeing her enthusiasm. We had a great week!

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