Sunday, July 18, 2010

Independence Day

For the first time, since we have been married, we bought fireworks and had our own little firework show. I loved it. This was much like we did when I was a child!My nephew, Grant, with the girls on the hammock.

Jonny, Bradys and Stringhams joined us.

We didn't even wait until it was really dark. The kids loved it anyways. Chad was the master firework man. Caroline and Amelia were the dancers. Peter and Grant couldn't decide if they loved or hated the fireworks. Duffy went inside. She would creep up and watch from the window, unless someone was looking at her. Then she would dive for the couch. Thanks everyone for a fun night!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Wow, that was some serious catch-up blogging! My girls were just commenting that your title doesn't fit anymore. There are 6 Dunfords now!