Monday, July 26, 2010

Back on the Bike

Saturday I went on my first ride since Lila was born. I rode my bike on a trainer inside through the winter until I was too big to bend make it work. So, it has been about 5 months. I was just gone for a short ride, during Lila's nap, but it was so fun. I loved it. I will have to have more rendeveous with my bicycle.

I should probably update our miles. Mine would say 8. :) I am not sure how many Chad has this year.

1 comment:

jill said...

Yea for getting back on the bike! And AGAIN I would like to point out that any mother that gives birth should be able to log some miles on her chart. I'm not sure how many miles giving birth really equals....but add EXTRA for the unplanned natural delivery, that's for sure! :)