Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Here are the wonderful girls that have made me a Mother! I love Maren for teaching me to be a Mom. She gets to be the first to take me through every stage of parenting. She is a teacher by nature, so this suits her perfectly. I love Caroline for reminding me to laugh. In the midst of almost anything, she will find the humorous side. Her belly laugh is one of my favorite sounds. I love Avery for being such a treat. She has been my "easiest" child so far. She loves everything, which makes her so lovable. I love Lila for reminding me of the absolute miracle every birth is. I have spent countless hours in the last three weeks pondering on the creation and of each of our roles in mortality. There are no words that can completely express the joy that I feel as a mother. It is a challenging and demanding role, but when I look in the eyes of my children...I know that I am doing something right.

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