Sunday, May 23, 2010

Avery is 3!

On May 20th, Avery celebrated her third birthday! I can't believe that she is three. She has always been my baby. It is amazing how fast they grow. Avery was a very easy baby and has been such a sweet toddler. We love to say that "Everybody needs an Avery!"

She requested a pink birthday party. She wanted grandparents to dinner for pink ice cream and pink cake. I can't believe we didn't get any pictures of the pink! I found neon food coloring at the store and decided to have a pink day. We actually had pink waffles for breakfast. Lunch was mini bagels with pink cream cheese. We made cupcakes with bright pink frosting and had strawberry ice cream.

"See, it fits!" she says.


A scooter of her own!

I love this little girl! "Still perfect," says Chad.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday to cute little Avery!